New Approved SRC Pay Rise for County Speakers, MCAs 2024-25 

New Approved SRC Pay Rise for County Speakers, MCAs 2024-25 

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission(SRC), the statutory agency that sets the pay and benefits of state officers, has handed the counties’ political leadership handsome benefits beginning the next financial year. 1. Speaker of the County Assembly Salary In the proposed gross remuneration – to be implemented in two phases- a speaker of the county assembly … Read more

Current MCA Salary And Allowances In Kenya

The Current Monthly Salary For MCA Here in Kenya.

The people are represented in the county governments by the County Assembly Members(MCA). While some are chosen by political parties, others are chosen by the electorate. Here is the MCA Salary and how much cash they bring home at the end of the month. County Assembly Members Election Qualifications: For you to get elected as … Read more