Best Loan Apps Without CRB Check in Kenya 2025

Best Loan Apps Without CRB Check in Kenya

Getting access to loans in Kenya can be a challenge, especially if you have a low credit score or are listed on the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB). However, several loan apps in Kenya provide financial assistance without requiring a CRB check, offering much-needed relief to individuals in need of quick cash. Here is a detailed … Read more

How To Check If You Are Listed In CRB

Listed In CRB

Being listed in the Central Registry of Defaulters (CRB) in Kenya can have significant repercussions on one’s financial standing and reputation. Whether you have suspicions or simply want to stay proactive, checking your CRB status is crucial to safeguarding your creditworthiness. In this article, we will explore two primary strategies to determine if your name … Read more

Fuliza Loan – How to Apply, Interest & Repayment

Fuliza Loan

Fuliza loan is a loan product offered by Safaricom, a leading mobile network operator in Kenya. It is designed to help Safaricom’s customers bridge the gap between their mobile money balance and the amount of money they need to complete a transaction. Essentially, Fuliza allows customers to complete a transaction even if they do not … Read more

How Fuliza Lost Close To Sh 500 Million To Scammers

How Fuliza Lost Close To Sh 500 Million To Scammers

Detectives have uncovered a high-level syndicate where Fuliza scammers have obtained close to Sh500 million through a popular mobile phone platform supported by mobile communication service provider, Safaricom. The service provider through its Fuliza overdraft service where customers can complete their MPESA transactions even when they do not have enough funds in their M-PESA account, … Read more

Proven Trick To Increase Your Fuliza Loan Limit

Fuliza Loan Limit

Since Safaricom introduced Fuliza Loan, it has helped many Kenyans to complete their transactions without having enough money in their account. You can not withdraw this money but you can send them to someone or use it to pay bills. This is an overdraft you are given and you are required to pay it as … Read more