Pastor Ezekiel Odero Kasarani, Biography, Age, NewLife Church & Networth

Pastor Ezekiel Odero journey to fellowship has not been easy. He began his journey in Kisumu as a fisherman before relocating to Mombasa as a mason (mtu wa mjengo). 

Before meeting Pastor Sarah, he began fellowship and was seeking partners in church. Pastor Sarah was a prayer warrior, and he went to seek assistance at her home in Mavueni. That is where they fall in love. 

The couple began NewLife Church in Shanzu and later expand and moved to his wife’s home in Mavueni. The couple bought large tracts of land to expand further.


Because Luo is the home of English, Pastor Ezekiel explains how hard it was to get Sarah because she did not fully attend the school system and was unable to speak English.

“Some of my family members informed me that Pastor Sarah didn’t go to school when I wanted to marry her. She is not fluent in English. What will the large people say if you marry her and they show up? When I looked at my wife, I didn’t see an English speaker but rather a lovely lady who can manage a ministry. ” He added, “English can’t run a ministry.”

I was then informed by her father that “I have given you my daughter and her sister,” but I told him that I just wanted Sarah.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Career Journey

The preacher started his professional life as a fisherman in Kisumu. He eventually moved to Mombasa and worked as a bricklayer while continuing his education.

Ezekiel rose to fame during COVID 2019 when the majority of people were cooped up in their homes listening to televangelism pastors preach.

Pastor Pius Mwiru of the Maximum Miracle Center in Nairobi has served as his mentor. The latter and Evangelist Ezekiel have been seen attending services together on a number of occasions.

He started out playing music for the Repentance and Holiness ministry of Pastor David Owuor. During church services, he used to play the violin and piano.

Pastor Ezekiel admitted during one of the services that he used to be a fornicator who committed several sexual transgressions.

Ezekiel is equally as rigorous about how people should dress in his church as pastor Owuor. He is additionally stringent about women entering his offices since he feels that temptations could lead him to revert to his former habits.

Ezekiel has constructed hotels, international schools, and a variety of other amenities inside his brand-new church estate. He offers “Holy water” to people from many denominations and social backgrounds, as seen at his church.

It is thought that the water may protect and heal. He claims that his frequent fasting is the cause of his lean physique.


New Life Church

The New life church is currently one of the biggest churches in the country located in Mavueni which is about 10 kilometers from Kilifi Town. Pastor Ezekiel explains that the church has a capacity of 45,000 people.

The church ministry is broadcasted live on the church’s YouTube channel New Life TV KENYA.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Education

Ezekiel attended Mombasa Polytechnic, which was the predecessor to the Technical University of Mombasa.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Wife

Despite not being officially married, his first love passed away a few years ago and left him with a son. The opposition from some of his family members who claim that Sarah is illiterate notwithstanding, he is currently married to her.

The two ministers have been married for almost 13 years and have kids together. They have been actively engaging in the global propagation of the gospel and bringing souls to Christ.

The fact that Sarah was a class three dropout and hence unable to speak English dissatisfied irks some of his family members. 

”I didn’t see my wife when I looked at her in English; instead, I saw a lovely woman who can take care of a ministry. A ministry can’t be managed in English!” Ezekiel said. The man of God continued by saying that he ignored the advice of his family and married his true love nonetheless.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Contact

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Pastor Ezekiel Odero Net Worth

One of the wealthiest pastors in Kenya is thought to be Pastor Ezekiel. He keeps a low profile and has never made any mention of his wealth or net worth.

He invests the majority of his resources into the church and the gospel. This is clear from the large church that he is currently constructing at Mavueni in a vast compound. 

Given that it is expected to hold more than 20,000 attendees per church service, there are rumors that it will be the largest church in Africa.

There are rumors that the man of God intends to construct hotels, schools, and other facilities within the same complex.

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