KDF Soldier’s Salary: Want to join the KDF and you have no idea how much will you earn as a new recruit or cadet? Continue reading and you will find out all you wanted to know about Kenya army ranks and salaries, what are the benefits and disadvantages of being a soldier in KDF.
Kenya army ranks and salaries. How much will you get for a new recruit position and is it profitable to become a Chief of Defence Forces? So, you are interested in the order of army ranks from lowest to highest or Kenya Defense Force’s monthly salary?
No problem, in the following article you will all the needed information. Kenya’s army ranks lowest highest
Did you know, that Kenya Defense Force’s monthly salary is reviewed every four years by the government?
Thanks to this, Kenyan military forces receive an increase in wages depending on the economic situation in the country.
KDFÂ Ranks
Private is the junior-most rank in the military while General is the senior-most soldier within the KDF.
Here is the full list of KDF rankings:
Non-commissioned officers
These are soldiers who have not followed a commission. They earn their positions of authority by rising through the enlisted ranks.
Private: This is the lowest rank in KDF. As a freshman soldier, you will have to pass Phase 1 Training.
Lance Corporals: A private can become a Lance Corporal after three years of service in KDF, or pass Phase 2. As a Lance Corporal, you will have the ability to manage a small team up to four soldiers. This team is called a section.
Corporal: this position is achieved after six-eight years of military service. The promotion also depends on your leadership skills.
As a Corporal, you will have the ability to manage a bigger number of soldiers and military equipment – tanks and guns.
Sergeant: After twelve years of good military service, a Corporal can be promoted to Sergeant. Up to 35 soldiers will be in your command.
Staff/Color Sergeant: You can become a Staff/Color Sergeant after two years of work as a Sergeant. This is the highest position of soldier and equipment manager. You will be able to command a whole troop or platoon.
Warrant Officer Class 2: As a Warrant Officer Class 2 you will have to be fully focused on training, prosperity, and discipline of up to 120 soldiers. Warrant Officer Class 2 can be promoted to an Officer position.
Warrant Officer Class 1:Â It is the main soldier position in KDF. It can be reached only after 18 years of brilliant military service. They are in command of up to 650 officers and soldiers.
Commissioned Officers
These are military officers who join the KDF as cadets. They start their training at Kenya Military Academy in Lanet, Nakuru County.
They include:
Officer Cadet: This position can be gained after initial officer training Lanet.
Second Lieutenant: The starting KDF commissioned rank. Usually, it is held for up to three years, during which you will have to pass special training. A Second Lieutenant is responsible for up to 30 soldiers.
Lieutenant: This position is held after three years of good service as a Second Lieutenant.
Captain:Â Responsible for up to 120 soldiers and involved in the planning and decision-making process.
Major: This position is gained between 8-10 years of military service. Usually, as a Major, you will have the ability to manage up to 120 officers and soldiers and be fully responsible for their training and discipline.
Lieutenant Colonel: Is in charge of up to 650 soldiers, that include 4 or 5 sub-units. Usually, this position is held for two years.
Colonel:Â This is the lowest staff rank and mostly they are not field commanders.
Brigadier: It is a Field Officer Rank. As a brigadier, you will be in charge of a brigade.
Major General: is in charge of divisions and senior staff appointments.
Lieutenant General:Â is in charge of Corps-sized formations and is the second most important rank in KDF.
General:Â This is the topmost rank in the KDF. Only one person can hold this position at a time.
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Kenya army salary (KDF Soldier’s Salary)
The salary of a new recruit is Ksh 7,172.
KDF cadet’s salary is Ksh 11,852 per month.
Officer cadets earn Ksh 24,520 per month after serving in the army for three years.
The salary of Privates is between Ksh 19,941 and Ksh 30,000.
The salary of Lance Corporals is from Ksh 26,509 to Ksh 50,000.
The salary of a Corporal – is Ksh 32,250 to Ksh 70,000.
The salary of Captains – is Ksh 73,182 to Ksh 110,000.
The salary of Majors – is Ksh 102,106- Ksh 150,000.
The salary of Lt. Colonels is Ksh 130,735 – Ksh 180,000.
The salary of Colonels is Ksh 153,317 – Ksh 300,000.
The salary of Lieutenant Generals – is Ksh 632,984 – Ksh 800,000.
The Commander of the Kenya Air Force earns Ksh 906,014 per month.
The Commander of the Kenya Navy is paid Ksh 902,432 per month.
The Vice Chief of KDF earns Ksh 927,500 per month.
The Chief of Defence Forces earns Ksh 1,120,000 per month.
The above salaries are subject to change after Kenya Kwanza promised to review KDF Soldier’s Salary by 2023
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