Top 10 Apologetics Christian Podcasts

Below is a big list of the best apologetics Christian podcasts that regularly provide content that is entertaining, Biblical, and edifying. Some are radio programs, some are online-only content, and others are regularly released archival selections.

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Be sure to check out the Reasonable Theology podcast. We’re here to help you better understand, articulate, and live out the fullness of the Christian faith. Listen to the latest episode below.

Apologetics315 Interviews

Once a week puts out a podcast where they interview a different apologist on the issues of apologetics, theology, and evangelism.

Bulletproof with Brett Kunkle

Equipping parents, youth leaders, and educators to train a new generation of young people to stand for the truth of Christianity. Released monthly.

Come Let Us Reason

This apologetics podcast is hosted by Lenny Esposito of Lenny deals with ethics, religious beliefs, and arguments against the Christian perspective. New podcasts are released each Sunday.

Cold Case Christianity

The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast is hosted by J. Warner Wallace, cold-case detective, Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Biola University, and author of Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels. New each week, the podcast lasts about an hour.

Cross Examined

Hosted by Frank Turek, this weekly call-in radio show is both helpful and entertaining. Turek, author of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist,  discusses challenging topics, takes questions from listeners, and interviews dynamic Christian apologists.

Defenders Podcast

This podcast features the Sunday School teaching of noted apologist, William Lane Craig. Dr. Craig’s Sunday school class covers Christian doctrine and apologetics.

The Dividing Line

This podcast is put out by James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. Available as audio and video, White’s podcast comes a couple of times each week and lasts about an hour.

Reasonable Faith

William Lane Craig’s weekly podcast features conversations about timely apologetics topics and frequently brings on other apologists. Set up in an interview style, each one ranges from 15 to about 25 minutes in length.

Deeper Waters

The Deeper Waters Podcast is designed to bring the best interviews with the best apologetics scholars. The show is designed to answer questions, make disciples, encourage marriage, and help reach those who are disabled, particularly those on the autism spectrum.

Stand To Reason

Greg Koukl’s weekly call-in apologetics show offers an open public forum on ethics, values, and religion. Each show is about 2 hours long and covers a wide range of interesting topics.


This podcast from across the pond is put out by Premier Christian Radio in England. Each week Justin Brierley engages in fundamental questions on Christianity with the intention to openly discuss different opinions between Christians and non-believers.

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