Honorary Degree – The Cost and Process of Earning One.

Honorary Degree

In an article published on Scholar media Africa, Prof. Maurice Oduor Okoth referred to these institutions, which operate without “physical campuses, credible faculty, or rigorous academic programs,” as “Predatory Briefcase Universities” (PBUs). Politicians and businesspeople have faced sharp criticism for obtaining honorary degree (Honorary Causa) from unrecognized institutions such as Northwestern Christian University and Open … Read more

Top 10 Politicians Who Are In Polygamous Marriage

Top 10 Politicians Who Are In Poligamous Marriage

Women used to be afraid of being judged by society if they married in poligamous marriage as second or third wives. Since President Uhuru Kenyatta signed legislation allowing men to marry as many women as they want into law in May 2014, many of them have openly flaunted their poligamous marriage with multiple wives in … Read more