28-Day Drug Rehab, Benefits & Cost Of 28-Day Inpatient Rehab

28-Day Drug Rehab

A 28-day drug rehab program typically refers to an inpatient treatment program that lasts for 28 days. This type of program is designed to help individuals overcome their addiction to drugs or alcohol by providing them with intensive therapy and support. During a 28-day drug rehab program, patients typically undergo a range of therapies and … Read more

Nairobi National Park Entry Fee 2023

Nairobi National Park Entry Fee 2023

Nairobi National Park is located at the heart of Nairobi. The entry fee varies depending on age and citizenship. Adult Kenyan citizens pay Ksh400 each while children pay Ksh200 each. Non-residents pay US$ 35 each and children US$20 each. Nairobi National Park Key Features Wildlife Picnic Facilities at The NNPFor corporate events, bush dinners, weddings, … Read more