8 Key Functions Of Deputy Governor In Kenya

In Kenya, the role of the Deputy Governor is an important one, with specific functions and responsibilities. This article will discuss the various functions of Deputy Governor in Kenya in detail, highlighting the importance of this position in the country’s political landscape.

1. Assisting the Governor:

The primary role of a Deputy Governor in Kenya is to assist the Governor in the performance of his or her duties. This includes taking over the Governor’s responsibilities in their absence, such as during periods of sickness, travel, or other personal reasons.

The Deputy Governor is also expected to collaborate closely with the Governor in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, and programs aimed at improving the welfare of the citizens.

2. Acting as Governor:

When the Governor is absent or unable to perform their duties, the Deputy Governor assumes the position of Governor. This means that the Deputy Governor is responsible for making executive decisions, signing bills into law, and providing leadership to the county government.

In this capacity, the Deputy Governor is expected to exercise good judgment, make wise decisions, and act in the best interest of the citizens.

3. Presiding over the County Assembly:

The Deputy Governor in Kenya is also the ex-officio Speaker of the County Assembly. This means that the Deputy Governor presides over the Assembly, ensuring that the members conduct their business in accordance with the standing orders and rules of the House.


The Deputy Governor also has the power to cast a deciding vote in the event of a tie, ensuring that the Assembly makes timely and effective decisions.

4. Overseeing County Budget:

The Deputy Governor is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the county budget. This includes working with other county officials to identify key priorities and allocate resources accordingly.

The Deputy Governor is also responsible for ensuring that the county government operates within its budgetary constraints and that funds are utilized efficiently and effectively.

5. Representing the County:

Another important function of the Deputy Governor in Kenya is to represent the county in official functions and events. This includes attending meetings, conferences, and other gatherings where the county is represented.

The Deputy Governor is expected to speak on behalf of the county and convey its position on various issues, promoting the county’s interests and building relationships with other stakeholders.

6. Promoting County Development:

The Deputy Governor is also responsible for promoting the development of the county. This includes working with other county officials to identify key development projects, attract investors, and promote economic growth.

The Deputy Governor is expected to engage with various stakeholders, including business owners, civil society organizations, and community leaders, to identify opportunities for development and promote the county as an attractive investment destination.

7. Maintaining Peace and Security:

The Deputy Governor in Kenya is also responsible for maintaining peace and security in the county. This includes working closely with law enforcement agencies to prevent crime, ensure public safety, and protect citizens from harm.

The Deputy Governor is expected to collaborate with other county officials to develop and implement effective strategies for crime prevention, including community policing programs, and to respond to emergencies and other security threats.

8. Engaging with the Public:

Finally, the Deputy Governor is expected to engage with the public and promote transparency and accountability in the county government. This includes holding regular public forums, town hall meetings, and other events where citizens can voice their concerns and opinions.


The Deputy Governor is also responsible for providing regular updates on the county’s progress and engaging with the media to ensure that citizens are well-informed about the county government’s activities.

In conclusion, the Deputy Governor in Kenya plays a critical role in the county government, with specific functions and responsibilities.

As the Governor’s primary assistant, the Deputy Governor is responsible for ensuring that the county government operates efficiently and effectively and that citizens’ needs are met. From overseeing the county budget to maintaining peace and security, the Deputy Governor is a

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