County Executives Committee Qualification, Functions & Salary

County Executives Committee members In the performance of its function shall have the power to determine their own program of activities and every member of the committee shall observe integrity and disclosure of interest in any matter before the committee.

These are the county executive committee members’ (CECs) salaries in Kenya.  The ministers supervise the administration and delivery of services in their respective departments of the county government and all decentralized units and agencies in the county.

They also implement the county legislation and provide the county assembly with full and regular reports on matters relating to the county.

The Governor shall when nominate county executives committee members:

(a) ensure that to the fullest extent possible, the composition of the executive committee reflects the community and cultural diversity of the county.

b) take into account the principles of affirmative action as provided for in the Constitution.

The county assembly shall not approve nominations for appointment to the executive committee that does not take into account:

  • not more than two-thirds of either gender.
  • representation of minorities, marginalized groups, and communities.
  • community and cultural diversity within the county.

Qualifications  for the Posts of County Executives Committee Members

A person may be appointed as a member of the county executive committee if that person:

(a) is a Kenyan citizen.

(b) is a holder of at least a first degree from a university recognized in Kenya?

(c) satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.


(d) has the knowledge, experience, and distinguished career of not less than five years in the field relevant to the portfolio of the department to which the person is being appointed.

(e) A member of the county executive committee shall not hold any other State or public office.

General Functions

In addition to the functions provided under Article 183 of the Constitution, a county executive committee shall:

(a) supervise the administration and delivery of services in the county and all Decentralized Units and agencies in the county.

(b) perform any other functions conferred on it by the Constitution or national legislation.

(c) carry out any function incidental to any of the assigned functions.

County Executives Committee (CECs) Salary in Kenya

According to a report by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission ( SRC) a county executive committee member in Kenya earns:

  • Basic Salary- 242,550
  • House Allowance- 80,000
  • Commuter Allowance- Official
  • Salary Adjustment- 81,700
  • Total- 404,250

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